A few weeks ago, Apple released the 2021 MacBook Pro laptops, featuring the brand new M1 Pro and M1 Max chips. The laptops received stellar reviews for the massive performance gains the new M1 SoCs bring to the table. All the while, Intel kept pushing its desperate anti-M1 ad campaign, attempting to steal attention from Apple. But the fact remains that people looking for a professional device were paying attention to the new MacBook Pros. Reddit is one place where people care about the hardware meant to make their job easier despite the expensive price point. That's why a MacBook Pro tweet of a company employee went viral in early November.
Reddit staff engineer Jameson Williams said at the time that buying the expensive MacBook Pros would actually help save the company money in the long run, with the break-even point happening after three months for a team of nine people.
The post Here’s how a $3,300 MacBook Pro can save you money, according to a Reddit engineer appeared first on BGR.
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Here’s how a $3,300 MacBook Pro can save you money, according to a Reddit engineer originally appeared on BGR.com on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 at 01:48:56 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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