Apple launched the AirTag trackers after more than a year of rumors claiming the device was arriving “soon.” During that time, we learned everything about AirTags, from their puck-like design to their tracking abilities, and Apple confirmed it all on its virtual stage on Tuesday. The tiny trackers can be attached to everything you wouldn’t want to lose, like keychains, bags, wallets, and any other item that can’t be tracked on its own. They feature ultra wideband (UWB) and Bluetooth connectivity and a user-replaceable battery that lasts more than a year. That’s good enough to attempt finding any lost or stolen device.
These features will sound familiar to anyone who has been using Apple’s Find My app to locate people and any of Apple’s gadgets — including the iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods, and Apple Watch. But also to anyone using similar trackers from the competition, including Tile and Chipolo. But going forward, there’s only one reason to buy a Tile tracker now that AirTag exists.
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The only reason to buy a Tile now that AirTag exists originally appeared on on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 at 07:31:36 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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