Apple delivered a hilarious iPad Pro promo during Tuesday's event, where a daring thief attempts a Mission Impossible heist at Apple Campus. By the end of it, we learn that it was Tim Cook all along who stole the M1 processor for the iPad Pro, in what became a memorable meme-able scene instantly. The same "thief" might want to steal the power of Mac for iPhone soon.
Rumors preceding Apple’s “Spring Loaded” event said the A14X chip inside the 2021 iPad Pro would be as speedy as the M1 chip inside the three late 2020 Macs that Apple launched last November. The M1-powered MacBook Pro, Air, and mini have been widely praised for their performance and efficiency, with Intel delivering the ultimate compliment. This massive anti-Apple campaign highlights the chipmaker’s fear of the ARM future. Apple then did something completely unexpected. Rather than unveiling an A14X processor that would sit between the iPhone 12’s A14 and the Mac’s M1, the company went ahead and placed the M1 system-on-chip (SoC) into its most powerful tablet. As it stands right now, the M1 powers six different devices. In addition to the three 2020 computers, we also have the gorgeous 2021 iMac refresh, the 11-inch iPad Pro and the 12.9-inch iPad Pro. More Macs will likely receive M1 updates in the future as well as next-gen M-series generations.
With all that in mind, I can’t help but think that Apple is a few innovations away from putting the M1 chip inside the iPhone.
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Apple is a few innovations away from putting the M1 chip inside the iPhone originally appeared on on Wed, 21 Apr 2021 at 06:50:11 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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